Safety tips

Association | Safety tips | For members
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One purpose of the Civil Defence Association of Helsinki is to educate people on safety matters and teach the public how to  operate in emergency situations.

Majority of the courses are for members of the association only. You can join the association by filling in the membership form. Our member categories are: private persons, housing companies and enterprises.

Here are some tips for you on how to make your home safer:

Everyone can prepare themselves for various accident and emergency situations. For example, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of accidents could happen at my home?
  • What can I do to prevent them and minimize the risk?
  • How would I exit my home in case of fire?
  • Do I have sufficient skills to perform first aid?

Home safety preparedness gives you tools for surviving both everyday emergencies and more unusual events, such as fire, floods, long power outs, major accidents etc. It is advisable to keep some fire extinguishing equipment at home as well as supplies of food and medicine.

Keep your fire extinguishing skills updated

It is not enough to have the equipment for putting out small fires at your home, you also have to know how to use the equipment properly. Check out courses in your area and attend to update your skills.

Instructions on how to use a fire blanket:

Supplies of food and medicine

Sufficient supply means that you have enough of food, medicine and other daily necessities to last you for even a week if necessary. To keep the supply fresh you consume the groceries  as usual but make sure the consumed goods are replaced regularly to maintain the supply.

When do you need to use the supply?

Situations when you could use the supply are for example:

  • Person living alone getting sick and being unable to go out to shop for groceries.
  • Long power outs, long lasting strikes that affect the grocery stores or delivery chains and roads being cut off.
  • Accidents that might cause contamination.
  • Curfew.
  • Storm cutting off roads or causing power outs.

Water is a priority

If water supply is interrupted or the tap water becomes contaminated, officials will establish water distribution points. For that purpose it is important to have containers with a lid at home for carrying and storing the water. You can use clean buckets or canisters for this purpose. One person requires 16 liters of drinking water per week and in addition to that water is required for personal hygiene and toilet.

Other necessities

  • medicines
  • food supply for special dietary needs
  • tin opener
  • radio and batteries
  • hygiene supplies
  • diapers etc.
  • plastic containers, tape and plastic wrap
  • flash light and batteries
  • iodine pills
  • candles and matches
  • cash
  • supplies for pets
  • Do you have an alternative for electric heating?

Rescue plan

Law requires a written rescue plan for houses with at least 3 apartments. Rescue plan is a report of the safety arrangements in the building and it details instructions for emergency situations. Rescue plan is for the safety of the inhabitants, not just a required paper for the bureaucrats.

The housing cooperative is responsible for making, updating and communicating of the rescue plan.

The purpose of the rescue plan is to

  • identify risks
  • prevent accidents and dangerous situations
  • prepare inhabitants to act efficiently in emergency situations.

Join the Civil Defence Association of Helsinki and learn more about improving the safety of your home and surroundings.